Book Recommendations
Adler, Margot. Drawing Down the Moon. 1997
Andrews, Ted. Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small. 1993
Andrews, Ted. The Magical Name. 1998
Andrews, Ted. Magical Dance: Your Body As an Instrument of Power. 1993
Andrews, Ted. Sacred Sounds: Transformation Through Music and Word. 1992
Ardinger, Barbara. Woman's Book of Rituals and Celebrations. 1992
Buckland, Raymond. Wicca for Life: The Way of the Craft -- From Birth to Summerland. 2003
Buckland, Raymond. Witchcraft from the Inside. 1971
Budapest, Z. The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries. 1989
Campanelli, Pauline. Wheel of the Year. 1989
Campanelli, Pauline. Ancient Ways. 1991
Cunningham, Scott. Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. 1990
Cunningham, Scott. Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. 1993
Cunningham, Scott. Earth Power: Techniques of Natural Magic. 1987
Curott, Phyllis. Book of Shadows. 1998
Curott, Phyllis. Witch Crafting : A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic. 2002
Farrar, Janet & Stewart. The Witches' Goddess. 1987
Farrar, Janet & Stewart. The Witches' God. 1989
Guiley, Rosemary. The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft. 1990
K, Amber. Covencraft: Witchcraft for Three or More. 1998
Lankford, Bryan Wicca DeMystified: A Guide for Practitioners, Family and Friends. 2005
McCoy, Edain. The Sabbats: A New Approach to Living the Old Ways. 2001
Monaghan, Patricia. The Book of Goddesses and Heroines. 1981
Ravenwolf, Silver. To Ride a Silver Broomstick. 1993
Ravenwolf, Silver. To Stir a Magic Cauldron. 1996
Ravenwolf, Silver. To Light a Sacred Flame. 1999
Starhawk. The Spiral Dance: a Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess. 1989.
Starhawk, Anne Hill, Diane Baker. Circle Round: Raising Children in Goddess Traditions. 1998.
Starhawk, M. Macha Nightmare & the Reclaiming Collective. Pagan Book of Living & Dying. l997.
Stone, Merlin. When God Was a Woman. 1976.
Valiente, Doreen. All Works.